Tuesday, June 06, 2006
`TICKLE PSYCHO TESTS...*to know me better you must read the succeeding paragraphs.
Queennie, your crush is the Class President
Hello, First Lady. A smart and motivated gal like you should set your sights high when it comes to your crush. Forget the slackers or burnouts. You should go for a guy who's got brains, ambition, and people skills (good looks wouldn't hurt either). Only an achiever and well-liked beau will be able to keep up with a first-class lass like you.
A guy who's heading up the student council, spearheading a car-wash fundraiser, and winning everyone over with his charisma and charm is the right candidate for you. He's the responsible type who'll make Mom and Dad proud. And you'll feel proud when your next stop is the campaign trail or The White House!
Queennie, you're an Artiste!
Your type is the Artiste
Creative. Sensitive. A bit offbeat. Your type is the Artiste, a unique guywho knows how to express himself in many ways, whether it's through words,music, or attire. You're attracted to his unconventional ways and hisremarkable talents. He doesn't feel compelled to abide by society's norms.He believes that individuality is the key to happiness, and everything hedoes is a reflection of his "inner self." You fall head-over-heels for suchconfidence and style. Whether he's playing a song he wrote for just you orwriting you a love letter, this guy knows how to make you feel special. He'sin touch with his feminine side and doesn't need to assert his masculinityto feel manly. If we were to paint a picture of your future, the Artistewould definitely be part of it!
Queennie, your fantasy home is a Relaxed Retreat
Home sweet home. For a low-key person like you, your home should be a comfortable and warm place that soothes your spirit and warms your soul. After a tough day, you'd probably rather head to your cozy haven than blow off steam at the gym or out on the town.
Whether you're lounging on an overstuffed couch, taking a bath, or cooking dinner, your home is a place to relax and be yourself. That's why you're sure to fill it with all the creature comforts that make it so inviting to you and everyone you know. So put your feet up, kick back, and enjoy!
Queennie, you're a Doomed Middle Low!
Your Relationship
Good news — it looks like your relationship is on solid ground. You've probably just moved beyond the "honeymoon" phase and into reality. Most of the time that nervous, excited "heart-beating-faster" feeling matures into a deeper, more stable connection. And that's okay — really! If you're having doubts, though, try spending a little extra time nurturing your relationship and focusing on the intense friendship and romance you've developed. If you're still concerned in a month, come back and take this test again. But chances are you'll adjust nicely and enjoy yourself immensely!
* cant believe this one...
Queennie, you're Shy 'n' Sexy
When it comes to sex appeal, you have it — and you know it. It's just that you hold it back until you're more secure with the person of your affections. Were you the kind of kid who was nervous about the first day of school even though you knew you were smart enough to compete?
Let's face it, you probably know what you're great at, it's just getting over that initial bump of meeting someone new, getting used to them, and warming up to a situation that gives people the impression you might be a little more tame than others. But look out. Because when you reach your comfort level, you're in the zone.
Your lovers are the lucky ones because they're the only people who really know what lies beneath your timid exterior. Sure you might shy away from steamy looks in public. But get you behind closed doors and you're ready to unleash your true sexual powers. You may be shy, but you know how to hook and reel 'em in.
MOOD: tongue-tied right now... (?)