Tuesday, July 11, 2006
And the story goes...I just got home from a school. Boy it was surely a tiring day! I ate immediately as soon as I arrived in our house and sort of rest for a while. Honestly I have greater doubts now than before as to why I keep this shitty blog. This space, well least I can be thankful of is that I have my SPACE. Unlike DEA.
The girl staring now in front of me is all wrecked and tattered. I pity her for she is suffering a lot yet I despise her for all her wicked lies. Dea, as any other normal teenager, is in desperate need of attention. Her family is all ruined and her boyfriend is very unimaginable. Instead of helping her out, he PULLS her down (kindda familiar to me).
This guy is in love with the DEA: they both are. Funny thing is when Dea started openin her eyes for other guys, boyfriend went on changing or rather improving. From the old "i-don't-care-about-your-weherabouts" to the now "i-miss-you-everytime" boyfriend has proven his worth. Unfortunately Dea is now confused. She doesn't know what to feel anymore. Her conscience says a lot of things new to her.
I, for myself, am also in such a slightly similar position.
This Dea is deeply in love with her boyfriend but another guy is into her life now. This guy, a certain Onil is making her life a lot complicated. See, Dea is finding herself in love now with this Onin without considering what her boyfriend would feel. AMEN to that! God I just don't fucking know what I would do. I feel more like Dea and she gets into me every inch of the day. I know for a fact that I must not let her in. Forbid myself from giving her sympathy. For all I know she is one hell of a "miss-goody-goody-bith."
What annoys me most is how she brags her boylets. Instead of just focusing on her boyfriend or just thinking things out she complicates them. How? By telling hundreds of lies to all the people that surrounds her (even to Onil who have seem to be in love with her, as well). 'Di ba bitch talaga?!
She gets into my nerves. Pero hindi nga ba, as a friend all I have to do is to listen to her and guide her. But the more I realize and sort things out the more she gets the better of me. I fear that time might come that she would be in grave danger because of her deceptions.
Deception- or mystification is the intent to distort the truth (wikipedia). Yep she does best in mystifying men. She is a great liar and still the very hurt and bruised girl I've come to embrace into my life.
I am all furious because I am concern of what might happen to her, and to me, as well. I am just disturbed that Onil, the only guy (other than her boyfriend) who made her feel secured, happy, and worthy would someday leave her. Why leave her? Onil has all the cards laid in front of him. The moment he discovers the truth would be the end of Dea's ephemeral happiness. Poor Dea , my awfully "battered" friend. She has had suffered enough , but question is; does she learn from them???
Hindi nga ba super stressful ang araw na ito. I was with Jairuz kanina on our way home. Grabe I am indeed thankful that he is around (kahit na pasaway 'yung utol kong iyun) for if not for him I would have not gone home everyday feeling kind of safe. Knowing that our schedule is super duper late and that eveyday I need to catch a ride from Espana to Taft, I sort of feel frightful. Evil doers are on the loose during those times.
Another good thing, other than having a classmate around during my ride, is that from Taft to our house the expected time of travel is about 45 minutes, but since we go home late I get to travel only 15 minutes. Wala kasing traffic jam...
*sigh* Oh s'ya better think things out for Dea ...
current mood: tired
current music: morcheeba (trigger hippie)
"Deception lies within each individual; it just waits to be tampered."